Full-Stack Development Training Bootcamp

Your Path from Novice to Expert

Mastering MEAN Stack

  • Mock interviews, hackathons and more
  • Multilingual training options (English and Hindi)
  • Job-ready portfolio of rich, functional apps
Customers served! ₹ 1 LPA  Average Pay Package
Customers served! 1 % Average Pay Hike
Customers served! 1 + Careers Transformed
Customers served! 1 +  Hiring Partners

Ready to turn your tech aspirations into reality?

Why Mean Stack Bootcamp?

Rising Demand and Career Growth

MEAN Stack Developers are in high demand, evidenced by a 38% surge in job postings, particularly in the thriving tech sector in India. With 52% of companies actively seeking MEAN Stack expertise, startups and enterprises recognize the strategic advantage these professionals bring, especially in the e-commerce sector where 39% prioritize their recruitment. With over 56% of hiring managers expressing a preference for MEAN Stack skills, professionals find themselves well-positioned to contribute to India's digital transformation, meeting the evolving needs of the industry.

MEAN Stack Training

The MEAN stack has become a popular choice for building dynamic and efficient web applications. It's a powerful combination of four key technologies i.e.; MongoDB which is a NoSQL database offering flexibility and scalability for data storage, Express.js which is a lightweight web framework built on Node.js for creating server-side logic and APIs, Angular which is a robust JavaScript framework for crafting interactive and user-friendly front-end interfaces and Node.js which is a JavaScript runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript code outside of the browser, enabling full-stack development with a single language.

MEAN Stack training equips you with the skills to master all four of these technologies, empowering you to develop and manage web applications from the user interface to the database.

Whether you're a web developer looking to expand your skillset or a complete beginner eager to enter the exciting world of full-stack development, MEAN Stack training can be your gateway to success.


Course Overview (Steps 1-5):

Understanding JavaScript Fundamentals

  • Start by mastering JavaScript basics including variables, functions, and control structures.

Learning MEAN Stack Technologies

  • Dive into MongoDB for database management, Express.js for building web applications, Angular for front-end development, and Node.js for server-side scripting.

Building Projects

  • Practice your skills by working on real-world projects, gradually increasing complexity to strengthen your understanding.

Version Control with Git

  • Learn how to use Git for version control, enabling collaboration and managing project history effectively.

Deployment and Hosting

  • Explore deployment strategies and hosting options to showcase your projects to potential employers or clients.

Embark on this journey to become a Full-Stack Development expert with MEAN Stack, and unlock a world of opportunities in the ever-evolving tech industry. Join us and take the first step towards your career transformation!

The Clevera Advantage Unleashed

The New Immersive Learning Experience

  • Source and Version Control using Git and GitHub
  • Mastering HTML5 and CSS3
  • Mastering JavaScript (ECMAScript 2020+)
  • Working with Remote Data and Writing Modular Code
  • Modern JavaScript using Babel
  • Working with Parcel and Webpack module bundlers
  • Building Single Page Applications using React
  • Work with the incredible Hooks API

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Mean Stack Development BOOTCAMP Advantages

Advantages of MEAN Stack Development

Full Stack Capabilities

MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js) provides a complete framework for both front-end and back-end development.

JavaScript Everywhere

Utilizing a single language (JavaScript) across the entire stack streamlines development and promotes code reusability.


MEAN stack technologies are highly scalable, making them ideal for building robust and high-performance applications.


The modular architecture of MEAN allows for easy integration of additional features and third-party services.

Take your Career to the Next Level

Career Opportunities with MEAN Stack Development

Full-Stack developers proficient in MEAN Stack are highly sought after by top companies across the globe. Some of the lucrative career paths include:

Full-Stack Developer

MEAN stack proficiency opens doors to lucrative positions as full stack developers, capable of handling both front-end & back-end development.

JavaScript Developer

With expertise in MEAN stack, you can pursue roles specifically focusing on JavaScript development, leveraging frameworks like Angular and Node.js.

Web Application Developer

MEAN stack skills are in high demand for building dynamic and responsive web applications across various industries.

Tools and Skills Covered

Enroll now and embark on your journey to becoming a Full-Stack expert, while gaining valuable insights into the Full-Stack ecosystem and career prospects in Full-Stack development!


NoSQL database for flexible and scalable data storage


Web application framework for building robust APIs and web applications.


Front-end framework for building dynamic and responsive user interfaces.


Server-side JavaScript runtime for building scalable and high-performance applications.


Version control system for managing project codebase efficiently.

Deployment and Hosting

Techniques for deploying and hosting MEAN stack applications on various platforms.

Join our comprehensive MEAN stack training program today and embark on a journey from novice to expert in full stack development!

Top MNC Utilizing MEAN Stack

By skilling up your workforce with the Full-Stack Development Bootcamp, you not only future-proof your teams but also position your enterprise to thrive in the ever-evolving tech landscape.


Netflix employs MEAN stack for its web application development, taking advantage of its scalability and real-time capabilities.


PayPal utilizes MEAN stack for developing secure and efficient financial applications, leveraging MongoDB for data storage and Node.js for server-side logic.


Google utilizes MEAN stack technologies for various projects, leveraging Angular for front-end development and Node.js for server-side operations.

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