Backend Training Bootcamp

Your Path from Beginner to Expert

Mastering Backend Development with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB

  • Introducing the power trio: Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB
  • Understanding the advantages of using these technologies in backend development
  • Exploring the career opportunities available for skilled developers in this field
  • Recognizing the top MNCs and tech giants leveraging these technologies in their infrastructure.
Customers served! ₹ 1 LPA  Average Pay Package
Customers served! 1 % Average Pay Hike
Customers served! 1 + Careers Transformed
Customers served! 1 +  Hiring Partners

Ready to turn your tech aspirations into reality?

Why Backend Bootcamp?

Rising Demand and Career Growth

Backend Developers are in high demand, evidenced by a 35% surge in job postings, particularly in the thriving tech sector in India. With 58% of companies actively seeking Backend expertise, startups and enterprises recognize the strategic advantage these professionals bring, especially in the e-commerce sector where 40% prioritize their recruitment. With over 52% of hiring managers expressing a preference for Back-end development skills, professionals find themselves well-positioned to contribute to India's digital transformation, meeting the evolving needs of the industry.


Course Overview

Getting Started with Node.js

  • Installing Node.js and npm. 
  • Understanding asynchronous programming.
  • Creating your first Node.js server

Exploring Express.js

  • Installing Express.js.
  • Setting up routes and handling HTTP requests.
  • Implementing middleware for request processing.

Working with MongoDB

  • Installing MongoDB
  • Connecting Node.js with MongoDB
  • Performing CRUD operations using MongoDB driver or Mongoose ORM

Building RESTful APIs

  • Designing RESTful endpoints
  • Implementing CRUD operations
  • Handling authentication and authorization

Advanced Topics and Tools

  • Implementing real-time communication with Socket.IO
  • Securing your applications with JWT authentication
  • Deploying your Node.js application to platforms like Heroku or AWS
  • Utilizing monitoring tools like New Relic or Datadog for performance optimization

The Clevera Advantage Unleashed

The New Immersive Learning Experience

  • Source and Version Control using Git and GitHub
  • Mastering HTML5 and CSS3
  • Mastering JavaScript (ECMAScript 2020+)
  • Working with Remote Data and Writing Modular Code
  • Modern JavaScript using Babel
  • Working with Parcel and Webpack module bundlers
  • Building Single Page Applications using React
  • Work with the incredible Hooks API

Start Building Your Tech Product Today

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Backend Development BOOTCAMP Advantages

Advantages of Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB


Node.js's event-driven architecture makes it highly scalable for handling concurrent requests.


Node.js's non-blocking I/O operations ensure fast and responsive applications.

Full-stack JavaScript

With Node.js on the backend and JavaScript on the frontend, developers can seamlessly transition between layers.

Large Ecosystem

Express.js and MongoDB have extensive libraries and community support, making development efficient and effective.

Take your Career to the Next Level

Career Opportunities with Node.js, Express.js & MongoDB

By skilling up your workforce with the Backend Development Bootcamp, you not only future-proof your teams but also position your enterprise to thrive in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Backend Developer

Full-Stack Developer

Node.js Developer

JavaScript Developer

Web Developer

Skills Covered

Enroll now and embark on your journey to becoming a Backend expert, while gaining valuable insights into the Backend ecosystem and career prospects in Backend development!

Proficiency in JavaScript

Backend development with Node.js

Building RESTful APIs with Express.js

Working with NoSQL databases like MongoDB

Asynchronous programming and event-driven architecture

Deployment and monitoring of Node.js applications

Top MNC Using These Technologies

By skilling up your workforce with the Backend Development Bootcamp, you not only future-proof your teams but also position your enterprise to thrive in the ever-evolving tech landscape.










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